The system of five lakes

The Kargopol sector

Water pedestrian radial route

13 km — 5 hours



Maselga — Vendozero — Torosozero — Levusozero, an earthen dam — Kulgum stream, a water mill — the village of Maselga.

The beginning of the route is in the village of Maselga, where you will get a ride from the village of Morshihinskaya. After a half-hour walk through the forest from Maselga, you will go to the shore of Lake Wendozero. From here you will take rowing boats along the three lakes, connected by nature chanals and man-made canals. This unique system, created at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, is a vivid example of the rational and harmonious coexistence of nature and man. During your whole trip you will enjoy the delightful surrounding landscapes. At the end of the trip you will see a unique monument of industrial architecture — the restored Guzhov water mill, which houses the exhibition «The Merry knocking of its wheels ...». At the end of the trip we invite you to the mill for a picnic lunch with smoked fish, a fish soup with freshly caught fish, and a fragrant tea with pies.


The rent of vehicles for travelling between Morshchikhinskaya village — Masylega village — Morshchikhinskaya village is not included in the tour price.

On the route there is a possibility to make tea on the fire. By prior request, a picnic lunch is possible (lunch is not included in the tour price).

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