• The park’s museum fund has received a unique item - the icon “Shepherd Kindly Says His Soul for Sheep”, created presumably in the 1840s and 1850s.
  • The only museum of epic heritage in Russia, In the Beginning There Was A Word, was created in the reconstructed peasant house of the Shishkin family of 1861.
  • The international seminar UNESCO Global Geoparks was held as part of the project Drifting Away. Combining Our Common Geological Heritage with the financial support of the European Union (INTERREG program). Geopark leaders gathered in Kenozero to discuss the creation and operation of UNESCO's global geoparks.
  • In the Kenozero National Park, a memorial sign of the Russian Post - Crossroads is installed.
  • In Zekhnova village the work is continuing on the arrangement of the old Boloznev House as part of the project Wooden Monuments in the Cultural Landscape.
  • Work is underway to restore architectural monuments - stone and wooden churches of Kenozero and Lekshmozero, the church of Apostle Andrei the First-Called in Vedyagina village. The roof was repaired and the domes were installed over the altar part of the stone church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary in Pogost village. The emergency work was carried out on the wooden church of St. Alexander Svirsky on Hizhgora. Roofing repair was carried out at the Peter and Paul Church in Morshchikhinskaya village.
  • Carpenters-restorers carried out overhaul of all mechanisms of the Guzhov water mill without the use of new construction technologies, as it was done a century ago.
  • The restoration began of the unique painted heavens from the chapel of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God in Khvalinskaya village.
  • The most significant event of the year was the opening ceremony and consecration of the 18th century Porzhensky churchyard after its restoration.