Information about Kenozero Ecological Camp

Information about Kenozero Ecological Camp

The principle of the ecological camp Kenozero is based on a combination of educational and research activities with the acquisition of practical tourist skills and familiarity with traditional folk crafts and skills. 

During the summer camp session, the camp participants are engaged in expeditionary groups, conducting research on various specializations (meteorology, landscape science, soil science, and many others) under the guidance of experienced specialists fr om the universities of Arkhangelsk, Moscow and St. Petersburg.

The programme of the camp session is formed on the basis of the author's programme of a group of professors and university teachers, and allows the participants of the camp to pass through three main stages of training. The first stage is familiarization – «For beginners», the two following steps: «Ecologist» and «Ecologist Expert» include a variety of practical exercises. There are exciting hikes of varying complexity and duration will improve different tourist skills. 

A variety of master classes on weaving out of birch bark, pottery, gingerbread baking are combined with interesting excursions and will allow the camp participants to get a full picture of the history and culture of the Russian North, the specifics of farming and lifestyle of the Russian village, folklore, legends and fairytales of Kenozero. The program of the camp includes patronal holidays with the participation of folklore groups, in the evenings - songs by the fire, carnivals, games, sports, fishing. 

Young people aged 11 to 17 can make an unforgettable trip to the Kenozero National Park, wh ere everyone can feel the beauty and harmony of the world, its fragility and vulnerability. Camp participants acquire many new friends, receive practical skills of field ecology, learn to perceive the surrounding world of nature emotionally, as a source of inspiration and creativity.

Participation in the ecological camp of Kenozero is an unforgettable immersion in the natural landscape of a specially protected natural area, and a unique cultural and historical environment of the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve. Each participant has a unique opportunity to experience the fabulous atmosphere of the epic corner of the Arkhangelsk region.

Информация для отъезжающих в экологический лагерь Кенозерья

Место проведения: Каргопольский район, д. Масельга
Продолжительность одной смены - 12 дней. 

Домики для проживания. Фото К. Кокошкина

 Условия проживания и материально-техническая база:

- размещение в рубленых деревянных  домиках на 4, 6 и 8 человек;
- питание в 5 раз в день;
- ежедневно топятся 2 бани, туалеты и умывальники на улице;
- для занятий оборудованы конференц-зал и веранды;
- имеется туристическое снаряжение и лабораторное оборудование;
- имеется информационно-методическая база;
- отсутствует электроснабжение.

База ЭЛК. Фото из архива Парка

Отъезжающим в экологический лагерь обязательно иметь:

- медицинскую справку, выверенную на карантин в СЭС в день отъезда;
- одежду спортивно-туристическую (смену спортивных брюк), куртку, обувь спортивную, резиновые сапоги, тапочки, полотенце банное, полотенце для лица и рук, головной убор;
- предметы личной гигиены;
- средство от клещей и комаров для индивидуального использования в походах
(в домиках используются спирали от комаров).
